Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why you should submit to Avery Anthology

What is the Avery Anthology, you ask? Well, it's like a literary magazine but as the founders of the anthology say, " it's not a means to an end" but rather the other way around. This is not one of those publications that you publish in on your way to being published somewhere else. Ander Monson has work for the 1st issue of Avery and you can too! Dan Wickett at Emerging Writer's Network blurbed this anthology and yours truly may just submit something to them. I urge you all to check it out. It's also been added to the blog roll on the side of my page here. Do check it out. This is going to be one of the coolest anthologies you'll ever read and if you're smart, you'll submit something and maybe, just maybe if you're cool like Ander, they'll publish you. It does look like I'll be pressing send from my yahoo account and passing on a story. C'mon, you all know you want to . . . all the cool kids are doing it and if you don't well . . . you'll be missing out!

I have to run, as there's lots of work to be done! And August will be uninterrupted writing time for yours truly. Which means I only have a few days left of really getting down to it! Oh and not melting in my 114 degree apartment or say sitting in the dark due to a power outage. Gotta love summer in the San Fernando Valley (and I firmly believe this is all related to Global Warming because this is ridiculous!!!)

Go check out the blog at Avery too! Happy Writing!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the heads up, angela. avery is very cool indeed. i might even submit myself.

114 degrees! yikes.

Avery said...

Wow. So, I googled us, just to see if word was getting around ...

Thanks so much, Angela, for those kind words! We here at Avery have been working around the clock, reading amazing submissions and trying to keep our feet on the ground. We're workin' like crazy so that we live up to all we set out to do - and all you think we can do. So, thanks again ... and keep reading our blog for info on our manic days. Can't wait to read your story ... and all the others ...