Wednesday, March 15, 2006

More Moore!

In my search to see what, where or when we can see more work from Lorrie Moore, I came across a great interview from October of 2005 in the Believer. Sadly, It won't let me link to a back-issue. But here Moore discusses writing how she decides what form to use when she sits down to write:

BLVR: In the introduction to The Best American Short Stories 2004, you discuss some of the differences between short stories and novels: “the novel arrives to reader and writer alike, baggy, ad hoc, bitter with ambition, already half ruined,” but a story’s “very shortness ensures its largeness of accomplishment, its selfhood and purity… a story lies less. It sings and informs and blurts. It has nothing to lose.” Do you always know which form you’re working with at the outset?

LM: I do know ahead of time. It would be strange to me to find a surprise novel suddenly at my desk. The nature of the idea determines which form or genre it will be in, the novel having time as both medium and subject, and dealing with something that requires perhaps multiple points of view or technique or a larger social canvas generally. For me stories are responses to little disturbances that rattle the windows, or to creatures that suddenly enter the house. Then I take to my desk with my little notes and “what-ifs” and attempt a narrative object.

If you haven't read Lorrie Moore, you must--go, now and read her. Birds of America is one of her best collections or better yet read her first collection of short-stories entitled, "Self-Help." She has others too. I urge you to hurry, quick run so you'll be all caught up and prepared for whatever she does next. Check out the Believer "Past Issue" section for the full October 2005 interview. Enjoy.

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